Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Lautaro Petaccio

    • Title: Design and development of a fact-checking framework based on argumentation theory and Natural Language Processing techniques.

    • Date: August 2015-December 2015

    • Institution: Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

    • Supervisor: Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata

  • Clémence Chauvet

    • Title: GUI for a requirement system

    • Date: from June 2015 until August 2015

    • Univ. Nice

    • Supervisor: Isabelle Mirbel et Serena Villata

  • Molka Dhouib

    • Title: Integration and enrichment of cultural heritage metadata on the Web of Data.

    • Date: until September 2015

    • Univ. Nice, Master 2

    • Supervisor: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Elena Cabrio

  • Raphael Gazzotti

    • Title: Checking OWL profile conformance with SPARQL Template Transformation Language

    • Date: from May 2015 until September 2015

    • Univ. Nice, Master 2

    • Supervisor: Olivier Corby

  • Racha Gouareb

    • Title: Semantic Annotation of Lyrics

    • Date: from May 2015 until October 2015

    • Univ. Nice

    • Supervisor: Michel Buffa, Catherine Faron-Zucker

  • Ahmed Missaoui

    • Title: Integration and enrichment of cultural heritage metadata on the Web of Data

    • Date: October 2014 - February 2015

    • Univ. Nice

    • Supervisor: Elena Cabrio, Catherine Faron-Zucker and Serena Villata

  • Baffoue Kangah

    • Title: Robot Navigation Web Control

    • Date: from May 2015 until October 2015

    • Univ. Nice

    • Supervisor: Michel Buffa, Catherine Faron-Zucker

  • Garance Vallat

    • Title: Semantic Web based platform for bibliography query and visualisation

    • Date: from June 2015 until August 2015

    • Univ. Nice, Master 1

    • Supervisor: Olivier Corby, Mireille Blay-Fornarino (I3S)

  • Reda Zarhbouch

    • Title: From user requirement to BPMN service composition modeling

    • Date: from May 2015 until October 2015

    • Univ. Nice, Master MIAGE

    • Supervisor: Isabelle Mirbel

  • Konstantina Poulida

    • Title: Extraction of Zoological Knowledge from Ancient and Middle-Age Scientific Texts

    • Date: from November 2015 to January 2016

    • Inria, University of Patras, Greece

    • Supervisor: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Andrea Tettamanzi

Visits to International Teams

Research stays abroad

Catherine Faron-Zucker spent the month of July at the Hasso Platner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. She presented her research work in a seminar of the Semantic Web group.

Alexandre Monnin spent the month of November at the Digital Cultures Research Center (Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany), as a Research Fellow, to participate in the discussions on the semester's topic ("Non-knowledge and Digital Cultures"). Among other things he did a response to a talk delivered by Jeannie Moser's on "Mistrust", did two interviews on digital cultures, and participate in the non-knowledge seminar organized in Braunschweig, Germany.